Friday, November 12, 2010

I don't want some lame pun post title - Have some cross stitch bitches!

I'm so fucking bored right now that I'm going to post something, just to keep myself busy for a bit before I get to gooooooooooooooooo for the day.  Found these images today over on Style Bubble, they feature the work of Olga Vilshenko.  They caught my eye because they feature some bitchin' cross stitch embroidery detailing.  I've been doing embroidery, and cross stitch specifically, since I was 7 years old; I actually won 2nd place at the Minnesota State Fair in 2009 for a Cross Stitch piece I completed, so it's an art form that is near and dear to me heart.  It can often be difficult to find cross stitch that's truly inspiring, and even more difficult to find it used in a way that's actaully fashionable.  Ch-ch-check it out!

Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm loving the contrasting buttonband and collar here!

I love the rustic of the cross stitch mixed with the lux of a silk here.

detail photo curtesy of Style Bubble