Wednesday, June 29, 2011

This is Part of Why I Haven't Been Posting

I feel like I spent a lot of time earlier this year bitching about how shitty the weather was in Chicago, so now that the nice weather is here it's no wonder that blogging about clothes isn't really on my mind.  I've been spending tons of time outside in our back yard with my husband and our dog, grilling, and reading, and working on embroidering the tea towels you see below.  They're glorious, aren't they?  Not for long though. With the way my husband abuses our towels when he's cooking and cleaning up the kitchen these will most likely not look this clean past their first use, but that's fine, I'll always have this photo.

My mom gave me the blank tea towels, and I used these vintage transfers that I had in my pattern stock for the designs.  They're from 1939, so they're over 70 years old, which is kinda crazy.

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