Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Maybe again?

Well it's been over a year and a half since I last posted.  Much has changed, the biggest change being that I had a baby, a baby who just turned one year old.  I also quit the office job that I had been at for over six years so that I could be home with my daughter during the day, and I do massage therapy evenings and weekends while my husband watches her.  I love getting to be home with my baby (well I guess some would consider her a toddler now,) but I feel like I still have design that gets me excited that I want to talk about, even if I'm just sending out into the void.

Anyway, I'm just dipping my toe back in for the moment, so for now here's a picture of my daughter looking completely over it at her first birthday party from this weekend. I know what you're thinking, and the answer is yes, that baby's wearing pearls.

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