Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dolce & Gabbana Fall 2013

Being that I am a huge fan of religious iconography I found the Fall 2013 Dolce & Gabbana show to be right up my alley.  The designers drew inspiration for the collection from the Cathedral of Monreale in Sicely.  There was a lot of beautiful embellishment seen in a palette of red, gold, black, and grey.  Below are some of my favorite looks and details from the show.

There were some amazing shoes as well.

And finally, while these are gorgeous, my feet are bleeding just looking at them.

All photos from

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Maybe again?

Well it's been over a year and a half since I last posted.  Much has changed, the biggest change being that I had a baby, a baby who just turned one year old.  I also quit the office job that I had been at for over six years so that I could be home with my daughter during the day, and I do massage therapy evenings and weekends while my husband watches her.  I love getting to be home with my baby (well I guess some would consider her a toddler now,) but I feel like I still have design that gets me excited that I want to talk about, even if I'm just sending out into the void.

Anyway, I'm just dipping my toe back in for the moment, so for now here's a picture of my daughter looking completely over it at her first birthday party from this weekend. I know what you're thinking, and the answer is yes, that baby's wearing pearls.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Carven Resport 2012

Carven is becoming one of my favorite favorites.  Sweet little dresses, amazing jackets, and interesting prints abound, if only I could afford any of it.  Beyond that, my only issue here is why does the model look so sad and bored?  You're wearing really cute clothes, ya mope, cheer the fuck up!  Enjoy!

All photos from

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Christopher Kane Resort 2012

The Christopher Kane Resort 2012 collection was an explosion of rainbows and metallics.  Some of it was very good, some of it was a little odd, but overall it is a breath of fresh air compared to the snoozefest that  the majority of the resort collections have been.

Ooh la la, rainbows!

This jacket is awesome, as are the dress and the boots.

I wanna rainbow sweater.


I love the femininity of the lace here with the masculine sweater and collar combo.

I like it.

This is a special look.  Who is this for?

Who doesn't love a whole outfit of saggy metallic? 

At least it ended well.  This looks like something a super hero would wear, and I love it.

All photos from

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

This is Part of Why I Haven't Been Posting

I feel like I spent a lot of time earlier this year bitching about how shitty the weather was in Chicago, so now that the nice weather is here it's no wonder that blogging about clothes isn't really on my mind.  I've been spending tons of time outside in our back yard with my husband and our dog, grilling, and reading, and working on embroidering the tea towels you see below.  They're glorious, aren't they?  Not for long though. With the way my husband abuses our towels when he's cooking and cleaning up the kitchen these will most likely not look this clean past their first use, but that's fine, I'll always have this photo.

My mom gave me the blank tea towels, and I used these vintage transfers that I had in my pattern stock for the designs.  They're from 1939, so they're over 70 years old, which is kinda crazy.