Monday, February 28, 2011

Missoni Fall RTW 2011

The Missoni show featured lots of dreamy pastels and some really cool knits.  It also had some looks that read a little too crazy old lady for my taste. 

I really like the ombre that is seen in a lot of the collection.

This look is a little wacky, but as always I'm liking the dyed pink fur.

These sweaters are pretty interesting.

They look really cozy, but they also look like something my cats would get caught up in and ruin, because that's just what those fuckers do.

Another interesting sweater.  I like the change of gauge as you get to the top.

I just like this look, even though I would never wear anything like this.

This sweater is awesome.

Who doesn't want to look like a baby chick?  Fools, that's who.

This whole look just makes me giggle.

I like how the knit opens up at the top here, like the rest of it was knit holding together two strands of yarn and then dropped down to one at the top.  The bottom half is sort of pastel muppet.  I like it.

All photos from

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