Friday, February 25, 2011

So Check This Shit Out.

I'll leave you with this for the weekend.  Recently I found this photo of Sarah Jessica Parker, it's from Sex and the City.  What really caught my eye here was the dress.  Let's take a look, shall we?

In doing a little research I found out that it was vintage and made by a company called Lanz.  It's cute, isn't it?  I sure thought so, when I was FIVE! 

Oh, what!?!  Yeah, that's me, age five, in a dress my mother made for me out of a skirt that had belonged to my grandmother.  I think it's pretty clear when you look at this photo taken back in 1986, and the other photo of SJP taken in the 00's that the bitch stole my look.  What's also kind of funny is that when I showed my husband this photo he said, "you dress exactly the same now as you did then.  I can see you wearing this whole outfit today."  He's not wrong. 

Have a good weekend!

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